US Blanks 6-8RP Fish Blank


SKU: US68RP Category:


Shaper’s (Rich Pavel) Comments: The 68RP will
play an important role in the current generation of
hand shapers emerging not only as technicians, but
also designers. This in turn will set a new precedent
for the next era of surfing. Paying close attention
to and working with all the elements in design in
the 68RP opens the door to a new level of performance
and self expression for all shapers and
designers. Will cleanly net a 6’8″ deck measurement
with high performance rockers and thickness
profiles. Inspired by the modern surfing of Rasta
on “the state of the art Lis – Fish”.

Overall Bottom Length: 6′ 9 7/8″ (207.96 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 6′ 9″ (205.74 cm)
Maximum Width: 25 1/8″ (63.82 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 ” (7.62 cm)
History: Introduced Nov 2008

Stock Densities: Red (light), other densities available by special order

For detailed descriptions of each blank
Click Here for the US Blanks catalog