Resin Research Epoxy 3 Quart Kit


SKU: RR1BRDKIT Category:


The Resin Research Surfboard Epoxy is available in three styles. The original 2000 Epoxy system (clear), the CE Epoxy which has an optical brightener (bluish tint) and a UV inhibitor, and the newest addition Kwik Kick. This Epoxy system was developed by Greg Loehr and has many benefits; is extremely easy to use, it dries harder than Polyester, it can be used on Polyurethane blanks, and is odorless. You must mix at a 2 to 1 (epoxy to hardener) ratio, also mix thoroughly. You can glass one 7 foot board with 3 layers on the deck and 2 layers on the bottom. The kit comes with 2 qts Epoxy/1 qt Hardener.  You choose the Hardener, 2100F (Fast) or 2100S (Slow); except with Kwik Kick (must use Kwik Kick Hardener).


Click Here to view the E-Z EPOXY GUIDE for detailed use instructions and tips!