US Blanks 9-4B Long Board


SKU: US94B Category:


Shaper’s (Bruce Jones) Comments: From the original 9’4″B plug, with thickness added to the tail area of the deck to make it a more shaper friendly blank, close tolerance for strength, will net 24″ x 3 1/8″. Bottom rockers from the previous 9’4″B will work well with this blank.

Overall Bottom Length: 9′ 4 1/4″ (285.12 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 9′ 3 5/16″ (282.73 cm)
Maximum Width: 25 3/16″(63.98 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 1/4″ (8.26 cm)
History: Introduced July 2006
Stock Densities: Red (light), other densities available by special order

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