US Blanks 8-1EA Fun Board


SKU: US81EA Category:


Shaper’s (Eric Arakawa) Comments: This is primarily designed for making fun boards. It comes with a moderate but continuous even rocker and foil to make “positioning” the blank for the shape process easy. This is the third blank in a family of four fun board blanks!

Overall Bottom Length: 8′ 1 1/16″ (246.54 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 8′ 0 (244.00 cm)
Maximum Width: 24 3/(61.4 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 7/16″ (8.73 cm)
History: Introduced July 2006

Stock Densities: Red (light), other densities available by special order

For detailed descriptions of each blank
Click Here for the US Blanks catalog


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