US Blanks 6-5R High Performance Fish Blank


SKU: US65R Category:


Shaper’s (Rusty) Comments: This is a larger version of the 6-0R. Designed to be a versatile blank for shorter, wider,
relaxed rockered boards. Somewhere between
a fish and performance short board. Semi-flat
deck, and thicker on the ends should provide a
wide range of options.

Overall Bottom Length: 6′ 5 1/2″ (196.85 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 6′ 4 3/4″ (194.95 cm)
Maximum Width: 21 3/4″ (55.25 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 1/4″ (8.26 cm))
History: Introduced April 2011

Stock Densities: Red, other densities available by special order

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