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Future ILT Center Box 1/2″ Depth
Introducing the new ILT fin boxes from Futures with Interwoven Laminate Technology (ILT). The lightest, strongest fin system in the world now bonds even better to the skin of your board. The cutouts in the ILT Box create a stronger bond without increasing weight, because resin is interwoven between the flange of the box and the fiberglass of the board.
Future ILT Rail Box 3/4″ Depth
Introducing the new ILT fin boxes from Futures with Interwoven Laminate Technology (ILT). The lightest, strongest fin system in the world now bonds even better to the skin of your board.
Future F2 PRODUCTION Set (3) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with three Future F2 Grom Thruster Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white), 1 Future center box (white), and 3 …
Future F4 PRODUCTION Set (3) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with three Future F4 (Doug Haut) Thruster Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white), 1 Future center box (white), and …
Future F6 PRODUCTION Set (3) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with three Future F6 Thruster Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white), 1 Future center box (white), and 3 set …
Future F8 PRODUCTION Set (3) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with three Future F8 Thruster Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white), 1 Future center box (white), and 3 set …
Future FAM1 PRODUCTION Set (3) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with three Future FAM1 (Al Merrick) Thruster Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white), 1 Future center box (white), and …
Future F4 QD2 3.75″ Quad PRODUCTION Set (4) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with two Future F4 Fins and two QD2 3.75″ (Thermotech), 2 Future rail boxes 3/4″ tang (front fins) and …
Future SB1 Production Set (2) White ILT Boxes
This kit comes with two Future SB1 (Bill Stewart) Sidebite Fins, 2 Future rail boxes (white) and 2 set screws. Thermotech Fins/White …
Futures TMF-1 “Kelly” Trailer Fin
This is Futures version of the fin Kelly Slater used to win his Eleventh World Title! The Middle Finger can be added …
Futures TMF-2 Trailer Fin
This is Futures version of the Guitar Pick! The Middle Finger 2 can be added to any quad set-up on a five …
Future C5 Box
Future C5 Box
The C5 Box holds the C5 Fins and provides a small amount of fore and aft positioning. Install the box into the …