US Blanks 10-2B Long Board


SKU: US102B Category:


Shaper’s (Bruce Jones)Comments: Intended for longboard shapes from 9’8″ to 10’0″, this is a close tolerance blank to net 24″ x 3 3/8″ maximum dimensions. Rockers from the previous 1″ will work well with this blank.

Overall Bottom Length: 10′ 2 7/8″ (312.10 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 10′ 1 7/8″ (309.56 cm)
Maximum Width: 25 3/8″ (64.45 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 1/2″ (8.89 cm)
History: Introduced July 2006
Stock Densities: Green (old school), other densities available by special order

For detailed descriptions of each blank
Click Here for the US Blanks catalog