Shaper’s (Eric Arakawa) Comments: Designed to be a versatile
blank for boards 6’4″ and under. I added a little
nose width to accommodate most modern full
nose short boards. This blank is similar to the 6-3R from Clark Foam!
Overall Bottom Length: 6′ 4 9/16″ (194.47 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 6′ 3 9/16″ (191.93 cm)
Maximum Width: 20 13/16″ (52.86 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 2 13/16″ (7.14 cm)
History: Introduced July 2006
Stock Densities: Red (light) or Orange (Superlight) other densities available by special order
For detailed descriptions of each blank
Click Here for the US Blanks catalog
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