The Resin Research Surfboard Epoxy is available in three styles. The original 2000 Epoxy system (clear), the CE Epoxy which has an optical brightener (bluish tint) and a UV inhibitor, and the newest Kwik Kick Epoxy which looks like the CE but goes off quicker and becomes harder faster than any other surfboard epoxy on the market. This Epoxy system was developed by Greg Loehr and has many benefits; it is extremely easy to use, dries harder than Polyester, can be used on Polyurethane blanks, and is odorless. You must mix at a 2 to 1 (epoxy to hardener) ratio, also mix thoroughly. You can glass five 7 ft boards with 3 layers on the deck and 2 layers on the bottom. The kit comes with 2 gal Epoxy/1 gal Hardener. You choose the Hardener, 2100F (Fast) or 2100S (Slow); except with Kwik Kick (must use Kwik Kick Hardener).
Click Here to view the E-Z EPOXY GUIDE for detailed use instructions and tips!
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