Twitter Aflutter With Toll Road Talk
- December 19, 2008
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Twitter aflutter with toll road talk
Here’s a sampling of what people were saying on Twitter yesterday about the toll road decision:
@dodgemedlin: A win for surfers, environmentalists – federal agency rejects plan for toll road through San Onofre State Beach. http://is.gd/cnGr (12:26:06 p.m.)
@chriscote: We Won!! the fight to Save Trestles is over. Check transworldsurf.net in a few for the whole story. (11:58:13 a.m.)
@Steve_watkins: Awesome! The toll road expansion that threatened Trestles has been killed – http://tinyurl.com/4pbwz5. (
11:54:18 a.m.)
11:54:18 a.m.)
@klenlaundry: is amped on the Trestles Victory! (11:53:25 a.m.)
@sdradio: @hilahil @andrewwp This is a good day: closing Guantanamo prison; and Trestles SAVED.
(11:49:38 a.m.)
(11:49:38 a.m.)
@lkilpatrick: @SaveTrestles your going to need to change your name to Saved Trestles!
(11:46:49 a.m.)

@JonathanDuarte: Congrats. Surfrider… another success. Toll road Dead!http://ff.im/kFA9 (11:39:13 a.m.)
@lkilpatrick: WOOT TRESTLES SAVED!!! Finally something good from the credit crunch!http://tinyurl.com/3fm6zv (11:37:50 a.m.)
@UkuleleJammin: Toll road through Trestles DENIED!!! http://tinyurl.com/4bmdfu (via @10News) (11:32:38 a.m.)
@chris949: Trestles has been saved! thank you Dept. of Commerce & Ca. Coastal Commission! http://tinyurl.com/3l7m82 (11:23:24 a.m.)
@degroodt: Totally stoked to see the “people” getting their way finally. Toll Road has run rough shod over OC for years. http://snurl.com/8ud5w (11:15:15 a.m.)
@brianschoening: The Toll Road is dead! Trestles lives to be surfed another day!!http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2008/12/tollroad.html (11:14:46 a.m.)
@tierranet: RT SaveTrestles http://cli.gs/241 South Toll Road Extension STOPPED! WE SAVED TRESTLES!!! Nice work everyone (11:10:00 a.m.)
@nique22: YAY!!! RT @swelldotcom: TRESTLES SAVED! THE HIGHWAY TO HELL CRASHES!: The Trestles toll road crashes today . http://tinyurl.com/3g6lyg (11:08:50 a.m.)
@formatted_dad: @NeonSurfer . Great news. Lets hope this is the end of the toll road plans. (11:07:53 a.m.)
@locustfist: RT @SaveTrestles: http://cli.gs/241 South Toll Road Extension STOPPED! WE SAVED TRESTLES!!! Nice work everyone! (11:07:35 a.m.)
@SaveTrestles: http://cli.gs/241 South Toll Road Extension STOPPED! WE SAVED TRESTLES!!! Nice work everyone! (11:06:07 a.m.)
@scorpusmaximus: WOOT! We saved Trestles! (for now): http://tinyurl.com/4pbwz5(10:55:15 a.m.)
@NeonSurfer: WE SAVED SANO!!! http://cli.gs/241 Toll Road Extension KILLED!!! (10:52:31 a.m.)
@Foa.m.EZ: [What the blank???] Trestles Saved! 241 South Toll Road Extentsion Killed (10:50:42 a.m.)