Foam E-Z does Sacred Craft 2009!
- October 14, 2009
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If you missed Sacred Craft this year then you missed out. This years tribute was to legendary shaper Dick Brewer who also released his shaping DVD and the buzz was huge. His DVD covers template making, wood board shaping as well as standard blank shaping and yeah, we got ‘em!! He even gives Foam E-Z a shout out in the video. Back to Sacred Craft, it was only 5 bucks to get in and check out the latest shapes and designs from the big guys like Rusty and Merrick to the gurus like Karl Ekstrom and some throwback shapes from the hipsters at Gato Heroi. There were boards made out of all kinds of materials from epoxy to poly, Alaias, carbon fiber, you name it and it was there.
Not only are there cutting edge shapes and designs but at the show the shapers themselves are there to talk shop with the consumers and sign autographs. Check out some of the pics and you’ll see that everyone was in good spirits and really feeding off of the energy of the show. We also participated in an epoxy glassing demo with Dave Daum from Kings stand up paddle and raffled off some shirts, hats, and even a single board epoxy kit and 10 yards of cloth! I was honored to be involved with such a great guy as Dave who has 30 + years of experience in the industry. We laminated the deck and bottom of an EPS blank to a packed room and it was a great lesson from a seasoned pro. After that we cruised around to schmooze with some other dudes like Jeff Clark, the dudes at Marko, and even Dick Brewer. Brewer made several appearances in the two shape rooms while other shapers such as Gary Linden, Pat Rawson, and Dennis Murphy exhibited their shaping wizardry to large crowds packed around the clear shaping booths.
It was awesome to see the way a master craftsman like these guys move around the board and turn a blank into magic in only one hour. Two days of talking shop and soaking up knowledge from an elite crew of legendary shapers, and looking at thousands of new shapes is enough to get anyone amped on shaping and frothing to get back in a shape room. Happy shaping.