An Update from Prison! BadFish Surfboards
- January 21, 2010
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Do you remember our customer from the Crestline Correctional Facility? If not you can look back in the archives of our blog. Well Tony “Neptune” Stearns is still building boards behind bars! I don’t know if you got a chance to see his little write up in SurferMag and Transworld Surf but he’s graced the pages of those two magazines. We just received an email from him and here’s what he had to say:
Hello my friends, this is Tony Stearns, Badfish Surfboards. The only surfboards ever made in prison. I wanted to show you some photos of my current inventory and also let you know about my page called Badfish Surfboards. Please help me create a cyber snowball with this information. If you could forward this message and my photos to anyone you know who surfs it will help me get off the ground. I want to thank you all for your help and support. I’m trying to do the best I can while I am here in prison.
Love and respect to everyone!
Tony Stearns T-43417
P.O. Box 10
Crestline, CA 92325