Foam E-Z Holiday Guide
- December 8, 2016
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Foam E-Z Holiday Buyers
Upgrade Guide!
Oh the holidays. What an interesting time of year. If you work in retail, you
probably hate it. If you are tenacious enough to brave the malls and stores,
you probably hate it. And in that regard, if you are a procrastinator, you
definitely hate it. But fret not, for the holiday season is not all bad! No,
there is absolutely no shame in admitting that the holiday season is also the
season for upgrades baby!
Allow me to get a
little Don Draper on you here for a second (I promise it’s for your own
benefit, not mine!). Every single shaping and glassing set-up could use a few
upgrades. That’s a fact. As with everything in life, technology and machines
grow outdated. Even the finest tools occasionally become dull and worn beyond
over restoration time. The problem of course is that surfboard building isn’t
exactly the most profitable pursuit out there, and new tools ain’t cheap. But
therein lies the opportunity this holiday season!
Provided you’ve
kept yourself off of a certain naughty list this year, this is the opportunity
to let your loved ones foot the bill on some of the those tools that you were
too cheap or too broke to buy for yourself previously. Seriously, don’t be
afraid to throw together a wish-list of your dream set-up and send it out to
every single one of your family members, friends, or any other potential
“loved-ones” you can think of. Just don’t forget to remind them that
ultimately, better tools for you mean better boards for them!
We’ve thrown
together a list of some potential upgrades for you here, but don’t forget to
visit us in-store or online to throw
together your own list. Happy hunting.
this? Spoke Shave
This: Stanley Block Plane…$34.95
spoke shave is a solid and affordable entry-level tool for shaping, but
sometimes entry level just doesn’t cut it. Anyone who’s ever rolled one of
those things mid-cut in the flats of the stringer, for instance, knows this. There’s
no need however to break the bank just yet going for the most expensive
alternative. The block plane is about as reliable and enduring as they come
when it comes to a shaping tool. Its heavy-duty construction and sharpenable/adjustable
blade mean this thing will be in your tool kit for a long time. Perhaps the
highlight feature of this planer though is its in-hand weight, which helps keep
your stringer cuts steady and uninterrupted.
this? E-Z C-Calipers
This: E-Z Scissor
literally an ‘upgrade’ tool, the E-Z
Scissor Calipers differ from the E-Z
C-Calipers in that they are… easier. With a bamboo plywood build and a guaranteed
accurate measuring guide built onto the handle, all you have to do is place it
onto whatever part of the board you aim to measure and then read the number.
Simple and accurate. All it takes is one hand and (hopefully) two eyes to
operate. Ditch the tape measure save yourself the time and potential for error
with this tool.
this? Carbon Tape
comes to explaining carbon fiber materials, things can get a little technical.
Such that there is not really a spot for said technicalities in a simple
holiday guide, so we’re just going to give you the quick gist of it here. The
main difference between this uni-directional carbon tape and regular carbon
tape is the amount of actual carbon fiber in the roll. This stuff has more of
it (a.k.a. more strength), and is woven in such a way so that it doesn’t
interfere with the natural flex of the board, yet improves the spring back
performance of the board. Wild right? We know. Plus, when it’s wet out during
glassing, it finishes pure black. What’s more badass than that? Nothing.
this? The Internet
This: The 101 Series three
pack set…$84.95
against using the Internet as a resource for board building knowledge. No
really, in fact check out our blog on that very topic here. But why spend hours scouring for
knowledge every time you want to try something new, or get refresher on your
skills? This DVD three pack includes Shaping 101, Glassing 101, and Airbrushing 101,
and each one gives an accessible and in-depth coverage of, well, exactly what
their titles say they do. Legendary shaper John Carper of JC Surfboards opens
up his shape room and glassing factory to you to show you how to get through
this whole board building process. You could of course buy the DVD’s
individually… but why not save twenty bucks and just get all three!
this? Homemade Single-fin Jig
This: Futures
Strongbox Jig Template…$85.75
thinking, but don’t be misled. It may be called the Futures Strongbox Jig, and of course it works perfectly for that
particular application, HOWEVER it is not
limited solely to the Futures style long box. This jig can be adjusted to
fit just about any plunge router base, and can accommodate most longboard style
single-fin boxes. It comes already set to fit a Makita router, and adjusts with
ease at the a few simple turns of some wing nuts. With its non-slip rubber
bottom, this jig is simple and easy to use. Sure you could spend some time
trying to build one yourself, or even (gulp) try to eyeball it. But as they
say, ‘time is money,’ so you might as well just spend that money on this
this? Hand drawn logos/stickers
logo yet, are you really even a
shaper? Well, if you shape boards then probably yes… But that doesn’t take away
from the fact that it’s scientifically proven to be *47% more satisfying to
ride a board that has your own logo glassed into it!
what you’re looking to have printed, we can help you get it done. These
professionally printed laminates are guaranteed to show up bold and vibrant
when glassed into your boards. Doesn’t get more professional looking than that.
Email you Jpeg or PDF file of your artwork to [email protected],
along with the sizes you want them to be printed, and we will cram as many onto
the roll as we can for you!
(technically nonsense)
Cure Ding Repair Goo
This: Super
Deluxe Ding Repair Kit… $29.95
(i.e. Suncure
Fiberfill) are great short-term solutions for dings. Perfect for those
moments that require a quick fix to get you through the rest of your session or
surf trip. The drawback to these fillers however is that they aren’t intended
as permanent solutions, as they grow brittle and begin crack out over time. For
a more lasting and watertight repair, these kits include everything you need to
get the job done like resin, cloth, mixing cups/sticks, sandpaper, and
instructions. Though it can seem a bit daunting if you’ve never done your own
ding repair before, most repairs are actually quite straightforward and doable,
even for a beginner. Besides, if you need some more insight to your specific
repair, you could always give us a call, or check out our comprehensive
ding-repair book here. (Some sizes available in epoxy!)
this? Plywood Surfboard Racks
This: E-Z Shape
Rack/Base Combo…$485.00
lot to be said for a person who is a through and through D.I.Y. board-builder,
from their shapes, to their, tools to their racks. It is no secret in fact that
we thoroughly admire such spirit; it is lifeline of what Foam E-Z is and
represents. However… there is equally
as much to be said for certain tools that benefit from a certain level of
construction and precision.
easily the most expensive item on this list, these shape racks are an
investment that any regular shaper will do well to make at some point. Their
durable, heavy-duty construction ensures that you will never again have to
worry about wobbly or uneven racks affecting your finished board. The heavy
base and adjustable height/width of these racks ensures that they can be setup
to any preference, anywhere and with ease. That’s a convenience you can’t
afford to miss out on. (Racks and base available individually).
this? FCS II Fin Boxes
hard to sell these to you. Please. Clean black and white is good from time to
time, but color and variety are the essence of life! For the first time ever
FCS has made their wonderful FCS II box system available in these colors, and
they are shockingly awesome. Shockingly.
That’s a joke, see, because they’re electric neon colored… right. Available in zero,
and nine
degree sets!
this? SUP Handle
This: LiftSUP Handle…$16.10
an SUP you’re going to need a handle. So why not do it in style? These handles
easily pop in and out of the board once installed so they sit flush with the deck
when you don’t need them, and have an easy to carry padded grip when you do.
Bonus feature? They’re a great place to run cable lock through while
transporting the board. Hate to use such a horrible and cheesy phrase like “the
Cadillac of SUP handles,” but this is basically that. (Available in black and white)
this? Epoxy Resin
This: Super
Sap BRT/CLX Epoxy… $95.00
talking politics more than we do, but it seems our incoming president can’t
quite make up his mind on where he stands regarding the world’s environmental
issues. Obviously to us water-dwelling folk, this is an issue that hits very
close to home and is monumentally important. Now before any gets all up in arms
here about their views here, we would like to offer an alternative solution. We
can all do our part, as board-builders, to reduce our environmental footprint
by being more conscious of the materials we’re using and the waste we create.
Bio-Resins, for instance, have spent years developing this SuperSap epoxy system
that has a significantly higher bio content than most other readily available
epoxy resins. If that load off of your conscience alone isn’t enough to sell
you, this epoxy also has an advanced optical brightener added to it. Simply
put, it has greater UV stability intended to keep your board pearly white, even
after prolonged sun exposure. (Available in 3 quart and 1.5 gallon kits).
this? Dusty/Crusty old shaping and glassing
This: Protective
Okay so lets face it, this one isn’t technically
an essential. In fact, the truth is that the amount of time we have to spend
weekly dusting this particular product’s in-shop display is equal to the
percentage of unlikelihood that you’ll actually stop in and buy one. HOWEVER,
this is indeed a wonderful item to have available in your workspace. Imagine a
world where you weren’t constantly transferring that lingering foam dust on you
to every from your car seats to your bed. A world where you didn’t constantly
have to throw out your resin caked clothing. Well this cleaner and easier life
can be your reality, all for a mere couple of bucks. Can you stocking stuffer?