Young Costa Rican Girl Rips and Shapes Her Own Board!
- August 1, 2014
- 1 Comment(s)
Shaper: Surya Folger
Age: 10 years old
Years Shaping: 1/2
Number of Boards Built: 1
Location: Playa Negra, Costa Rica
Forest Folger (Surya’s Dad)
Surya’s been surfing since she could walk. She competed in her first contest at the age of 6. Previously, she was riding a 4’8” Rusty Kerrosover, but I wanted to get her on something a little different. I really liked the outline and flat rocker of this Craig Anderson model Hayden Shapes that I was riding, so I tried to replicate that board in a much smaller version. This board is a 4’6″. It’s a very user-friendly design, for both the shaper and the surfer.
So much of our life in Costa Rica revolves around the ocean. There is nothing better than water time with your kids. This experience of shaping a board with Surya and then using it in the ocean just adds another dimension to the experience. It’s really inspiring to see her begin to understand how shaping a rail determines the lines that she can draw on a wave. It’s a really cool learning experience for us to share. Plus, she did a great job with the board. She’s made every contest final since she began riding it!
Surya Folger
I prefer to shape my own board, rather than buy one. I really enjoyed making it. It’s fun to try something new and then ride it in the ocean. The board is so fun because it’s easy to turn. It’s very loose. My favorite spot to surf it is called Piko Pequeño. The paddle is easy and when you get a wipeout it’s smooth. The board works really good there.
One comment on “Young Costa Rican Girl Rips and Shapes Her Own Board!”
Awesome!! Love to see young girls kick butt!! Way to go kiddo!!
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