Quick Recap From Sacred Craft Santa Cruz!
- March 23, 2011
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Sacred Craft in Santa Cruz was a blast! If you’ve ever been to that town then you already know how cool it is and that coolness spilled over into the show. What the show lacked in international surf brands it made up for in local talent. It was a really great venue right smack dab in the middle of down town Santa Cruz and that energy carried through both days. If time permitted we could have had an encore and added a third day to the party. Cristina and I had a great time doing interviews, demos, and taking pictures. It was awesome meeting new people and seeing our NorCal customers faces. Ward Coffey won the Mike Marshall award for the closest representation to a Doug Haut Bump Model (from the 60’s). You can check out some of the happenings from the show on our Facebook page. Look for my goofy little video promoting a great discount code we have going through the end of March.
We’ll see you at the next Sacred Craft in San Diego, where they’ll be honoring Carl Ekstrom for his super rad hats…or innovative surfboards, not sure which ones are wackier? Look for a full re-cap in our upcoming newsletter.