Feb 21

3 comments on “Ole Surfboards – A True Legend!

  • Is it not true that Ole made boards at an old gas station on 9th Street and PCH in Sunset Beach CA in the 50s? Near where Bruce Jones is now? Across the street from Surf Liquor?
    I used to watch him work when I was a little kid.

    • Yes, I worked with him at that shop-Sam “Seaweed” One of the Arsman bros worked there and several others I can’t think of now’?? Surf liquor was owned by Mark from Seal and his mom owned the one on Main St in Seal

  • Anonymous says:

    I bought an OLE board at his shop in Seal Beach, ca. in the early sixties. It was 9' 6" and bitchin looking. Used it for years up and down the coast.

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