Shape Lesson Facts:

  • Shape lessons are $75/hr.
  • Average shape lesson for a Shortboard or Fish is four (4) hours. Mini-SimmonsGuns, and Longboards can take upwards of five (5) hours.
  • You can bring your buddy, dad, sister, brother, mother, or anyone you’d like to watch at no extra cost.
  • Shape lessons are great for school projects.
  • Every lesson is tailored to suit each student’s needs and interests.
  • At the end of the lesson, each student will have learned about board design, functionality, basic and advanced shaping techniques.
  • All students will walk away with a functional and aesthetically pleasing custom surfboard to be proud of.
  • Shaping lessons are for everyone!
  • Blanks sold separately (starting at $60.00).
  • Paint your board yourself or have us professionally paint it.
  • Glass your shaped blank yourself or have us professionally glass it (starting at $235).
  • Here is a breakdown of the out the door price of building a shortboard thruster (sand only) complete including your lesson: US Blanks Short Board Blank $60.00Four Hour Shape Lesson $300Professional Glassjob $235GRAND TOTAL $595.00

Rent The Shape Box:

  • For shapers needing a legit professional shape room to crank out a board or two, the E-Z Shape Box is available to rent by the hour or the day. The Box is furnished with all the tools necessary for shaping your stick. The cost is $10.00/hr, gives you access to ALL shape tools including the Hitachi Modified Planer. When you buy a blank you get the first hour in the E-Z Shape Box FREE. If we glass your board you get the ALL shape time in the E-Z Shape Box FREE. Contact us to make an appointment.

Currently, we are offering Shaping Lessons on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

For more information or to schedule a Shape Lesson or Rent the Box email us at [email protected]