Guides, Manuals, and Catalogs

Here is the reference library with “How to” Manuals and Guides for the various fin systems, epoxy resin systems, and other board building information. In addition, blank catalogs and MSDS forms can be found here.

In order for you to view the catalogs/manual listed below, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

US Blanks Product Catalog
This is the most current blank catalog from US Blanks. Foam E-Z stocks the most popular shapes. US Blanks was formed by former key employees from Clark Foam.
Marko Foam Blank Catalog
Catalog of all surfboard blanks that Marko Foam makes and includes other informative facts. Foam E-Z stocks about all of the blanks listed in here.
Incide EPS Blank Catalog
Catalog for Incide EPS blanks. Incide is an EPS surfboard blank with a carbon fiber interior “Brain”. This catalog has all the information about EPS blanks and more.
Clark Foam Blank Catalog
FOR REFERENCE ONLY! CLARK FOAM BLANKS are not available! This catalog is solely for comparing and contrasting new blanks to the old Clark Foam standards.

Casica Gore Tex Vent Plug Manual
In this manual you will find the detailed instructions on how to correctly install the Casica Gore Tex Vents. CAD diagrams along with the instructions make it easy to follow and get your plugs installed correctly. It is very critical to get these vent plugs installed correctly so they are indeed venting and do not leak.
Future Ocean Air Manual
Complete instructions on professionally installing the Future Fin System from start to finish. You’ll see instructions on setting up the jig, router, and even the “Timmy Patterson Tool” which helps you determin the bit height for the perfect fit and finish. Get this installation Manual by downloading below.
FCS Plug Installation Manual
Complete instructions on professionally installing the FCS Fin System from start to finish. Get down to the details on ensuring your FCS plug installation is perfectly setup and complete before hitting the water. No leaks! Simply download this installation manual by clicking on the button below.
FCS Fusion Installation Manual
Complete instructions on professionally installing the FCS Fin System from start to finish. Make sure your FCS Fin System is setup and installed correctly. The last thing you want to worry about is leaks or a mis-aligned fin system on your board. To download this installation manual click below.
Epoxy Board Building Guide
An E-Z guide to using the Resin Research Epoxy for glassing your board from start to finish.
MProBox Installation Guide
Complete instructions on professionally installing the ProBox Fin System from start to finish.