Home » DIY SURFBOARD BUILDING KITS » Guns/Big Guy Board Kits
Board Building Kits for Guns & Big Guys ranging from 6’10” to 7’7″
6’10” to 7’1″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
6’10” to 7’1″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
Here is a kit with all the materials to create your own big-guy board between 6’10” and 7’1″! Includes: 7-1A US Blank …
7’2″ to 7’5″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
7’2″ to 7’5″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
Here is a kit with all the materials to create your own big-guy board between 7’2″ and 7’5″! Includes: 7-5A US Blank …
7’4″ to 7’7″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
7’4″ to 7’7″ GUN/BIG GUY KIT
Here is a kit with all the materials to create your own big-guy board between 7’4″ and 7’7″! Includes: 7-7A US Blank …